/* mcPj004E2.c */

/* Real World Application of "fileReader.c" << (mcPj004E1.c)  */

/* From old days, here is a note of progress. -- History note --

 *       mcPj004A.c  << Sample 10.04

 *       mcPj004B.c  << Example fscanf(), Screen access.

 *       mcPj004C.c  My first successful FileAccess.  One word only.

 *                     It seems for me a compiling set of libraries were crucial.

 *                     OR, in PC's C, I didn't need #include , and 

 *                     this could be the reason.

 *       mcPj004D.c  My second successful FileAccess.  One line only.

 *       mcPj004E.c  This one, my third successful FileAccess.  Whole text.


/* (2004-12-23)  One page of explanation fits about 23 lines or around.   

 *    Since no , nor "clrscr()", I had to deal with "Form Feed"

 *    mechanism to roll up the screen.   Used fix blank lines

 *    So, this naration display is designed for about 23 lines each.     

 *    This is a combination of Text-read (printf()) on Screen, and 

 *    waiting a user's input (scanf()) as I did in PC C-codes.

 *    It works well.  


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

int main(void)


    FILE *fp;

	char line[256], uType[8];

	int i;




	fp=fopen("1_Ref", "r"); 

/*  Read all lines from the file stream pointing to "Ref.txt" */

/*  from i=0 to i=22 */    


		printf("%s", line);  


	}while(  (fgets(line, 256, fp))!=NULL && i<=22  );

   	printf("Type any key then [return] :  ");

	scanf( "%s", &uType);

/*  from i=23 to i=45 */    



		printf("%s", line);  


	}while(  (fgets(line, 256, fp))!=NULL && i<=45  );  /* plus 23 */

	printf("Type any key then [return] :  ");

	scanf( "%s", &uType);

/*  from i=46 to i=68 */    



		printf("%s", line);  


	}while(  (fgets(line, 256, fp))!=NULL && i<=68  );  /* plus 23 */

	printf("END of \"1_Get_MPW_first\". ");

/*	scanf( "%s", &uType);  */

/*  from i=69 to i=91    

*   printf("\n");

* 	do{

*		printf("%s", line);  

*		i++;      

*	}while(  (fgets(line, 256, fp))!=NULL && i<=91  );  

*	printf("Type any key then [return] :  ");

*	scanf( "%s", &uType);



	return 0;
